Today has been a busy day! Typically I'm lucky to get one chore done per day (some laundry, or the kitchen, or vacuuming). Well today I have being going like a mad women in between caring for the girls. On one hand I've accomplished a lot, on the other, nothing is really DONE. I've vacuumed the bathrooms, and scrubbed our shower (twice! it had been a while...)...but the rest of the bathroom still needs cleaning. I vacuumed the media room - but it really needs dusting too....that kind of thing.
At this point I'm starting to grow weary, in fact I'm thinking a nap when (if) the girls take one could be in order. I have a playdate to go to at 4:00, and women's church group at a nap might be very well in order!
Okay, so I know you all want some pictures, but I don't have any new ones on the computer. Sorry! I'll work on that. In the meantime I'll share a few "ungettable pictures"....the ones that I'd love to get, but doubt I'll ever be able to. The girls have this habit of stopping instantly what they are doing as soon as I grab the camera. Argh!
Ungettable Picture #1: The girls reaching out and holding hands while sitting in their highchairs at dinner time. So sweet!
Ungettable Picture #2: Allison as she wakes up slowly, then looks around for me. As soon as she sees me she starts to crawl over to me and buries her head in my neck. My baby.
Ungettable Picture #3: The look of glee in both girls eyes as they play together - in particular when Naomi is crawling and Allison starts to crawl after her...Naomi looks behind her, sees Allison and starts giggling like crazy and crawling as fast as she can so that Allison will chase her. Hilarious. It's rare that Allison catches up with her (Naomi is fast!), but when she does, she just tackles Naomi and they both fall over and laugh hysterically. Sisterly fun.
Okay, I will really try to have some pictures next time! :)
And, I just remembered I was going to do the checkbook at nap time...sigh.