Monday, August 23, 2010


The happy gatherer
Woohoo! We got some blueberries! Brian went to Eaglecrest and got a bunch of blueberries yesterday. We are happy; we haven't had local blueberries in years. We used to go every summer and freeze up a bunch for the winter...but life got busy. Yesterday Brian sacrificially went out in search of berries on his own, while I sacrificially took care of the girls on my own. As you can see he was very successful. He says if he goes out one more time and gets about the same amount we should have enough for the winter, for our weekly sourdough blueberry pancakes and occasional batch of blueberry muffins.

So that he could pick through them and discard leaves, etc. and prep the berries for freezing, I gave the girls a bath and got them ready for bed by myself. It's not impossible, not even overly difficult...but is more time consuming, a bit more fast-handling (no babies alone in the tub, tough to handle to two wet slippery babies!)...and it is very nice to have a second person. I almost had them both in bed on my own, but Allison got upset and was crying and after about 8 minutes Daddy felt bad and went to rescue her (I was in Naomi's room rocking her to sleep).

So when I came downstairs after getting Naomi to sleep, I found Daddy and Allison picking through blueberries...well Daddy was picking through them, Allison was eating them! :) We think she especially like rolling them around in her mouth before swallowing. Supercute.

Typically at bed time Allison has no use for Daddy - only Mommy will suffice! Turns out that if Daddy feeds her, he actually isn't a bad substitute. :)


  1. Wow! This is awesome, Anna! It inspires me to try and get some too!

    the other Anna B
