Sunday, August 22, 2010


Yesterday I had my friends ("adoption mamas") over for a visit. Four other women who I met via the adoption process. Over the past 5 years we have become a pretty tight knit group and finally as of last year we all have our babies! We all started out adopting internationally and we ended up with a surprise domestic adoption...and of course our token biological child - Naomi. :)

It was a great afternoon, but with two 6 year olds, one 3 year old, and three 10 month olds....pretty insane! :) In the best way. And we were even missing one 2 year old (you know who you are!). But it was a blast, we hadn't all been together in a few months and it was fun to catch up and reconnect.

Allison always gets a little anxious when around a lot of people, even though she knew almost everyone here. So for the first 30-60 minutes I carried her in the moby wrap. She likes it but it was a bit problematic for the times I needed to pick up Naomi, who has had three teeth come in in the last couple weeks and was a bit "squeaky" or needy. :)

However after the first hour Allison had warmed up to everyone enough that I put her down and she proceeded to crawl on everyone and play without even looking for me. This independence after getting comfortable shows great progress in attachment skills. I'm not worried about her attachment, but it's always nice to see progress. :)

It's Sunday so I better get moving. These days we usually manage to get to church about 15 minutes before it's over...and that time is usually spent in the foyer due to loud babies. :) But every Sunday I hope we could make it there for some of the worship. Ah, someday. :)

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